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Proiect Comenius

Project description

  The aim of the project is to create better opportunities for the social interaction of youth by fostering intercultural dialogues bring together young people from different countries and help to develop mutual understanding. To this end, the project will mainly focus on the value of folklore that is so much a part of our everyday life that we don't often realize it. On the contrary, it has a fundamental role in the history of the people since it reflects their cultural and social identity. Special sayings, recipes, songs, folk dances, riddles, proverbs, handicrafts, customs, habits and rituals, all these are different expressions of folklore. On account of all this, the students will be engaged in researching and collecting material to be exchanged and analyzed. The assertion of our own cultural identity in respect of each is extremely important especially in era where the phenomena of globalization is leading our younger generations almost to forget about their past origins and to level cultures. It is also very important to stress that the project activities will be aimed at promoting and enhancing positive behaviors while preventing the negative ones. This is an age in which bullying and violence are becoming an increasingly urging problem, to be solved both at school and outside it. That’s why, at the heart of the project, there will be the following fundamental points: the continuous evaluation of both the recovery of the cultural characteristics of each participant country through its folklore and the interference due to globalization, the promotion of foreign language skills, the idea of the school as a place of excellence in constructively learning and participating in civic life and, finally, the desire to collaborate with local and regional institutions.